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CPEC: The Deep Insight


China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a framework of regional connectivity and collectivities of mega infrastructure development projects. These development projects are part of China’s 21st Century development project, also known as Belt & Road Initiatives (BRI). The CPEC project is considered to be a game changer and a harbinger of socio-economic development of Pakistan and beyond.

The game changer:

  1. Through these belt and road initiatives, China is interconnecting Europe, Russia, Mongolia, Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia, Middle East and Africa.
  2. The Seven connectivity arteries of belt and road initiative seek a sustainable development plans, and its accomplishment will make China an economic power hub of trade and commerce for the world.
  3. A Transition of paradigm shift from unipolar to multipolar World and making an inclusive development approach to create a ‘community of common destiny’

Purpose and Objectives of CPEC: (The multi prong benefits for China)

  1. China has to develop its Western part because if we look at the demographic pattern out of 1.4 billion populations 70% is densely concentrated in 30% eastern part of China. Whilst remaining 30% population is embedded in 70% area of China. This uneven distribution of population has its own challenges, implications and ramifications.
  2. CPEC is the shortest and safest route to import OIL from Gulf countries.
  3.   Export Chines product to Gulf and African continent.
  4. China will save billions of dollars’ transportation charges by CPEC route.
  5. A permanent solution to execute the envisioned plan of China.
  6. More importantly, China will mitigate the penitential economic, political and territorial challenges, including:
  7. 15ooo km long travelling’s in oceans. (Maritime silk route).
  8. Lapse of considerable time.
  9. Huge quantity of fuel consumption by ships.
  10. Dangerous and high risk of Sea robbers.
  11. Conflicts with East Asian Countries on Sea boarders.
  12. Marine Pollution and endangering aquatic life.

Henceforth to achieve the far reaching objectives, China is pouring billions of dollars for the infrastructural development in Pakistan.

Strategic significance of the Region

  • India the common ENEMY of Pak-China in the region.
  • Pakistan can’t afford rivalry with TWO big & nuclear countries in the region.
  • Friendship with China is time tested and NONE of the countries including India and USA can cast an evil eye on Pakistan.


Indeed, for the impact assessment of CPEC, in many public sector universities of Pakistan, CPEC research centers are conducting researches in the following areas.

1-Economic impact 2-  Social impact 3- Cultural impact 4- Environmental impact

5- Political impact 6- Regional impact 7- Tourism impact       8- Educational impact and 9- Global impact.

Advantages and Benefits of the CPEC for Pakistan

  • Thousands of employment opportunity will be created in the country
  • Strong infrastructural resources will attract foreign investors
  • Trust and positive image of Pakistan will be developed across the world

The Geographic Importance of Gilgit-Baltistan

Geographic location of Gilgit-Baltistan is so significant that it is like a bone bogged in the voice box of China and she neither can ingurgitate nor regurgitate.

NOW keeping the significance of both countries to each other in view, the friendship has to be further strengthened and make it:

                 Higher than mountains, deeper than oceans and sweeter than Honey 

                 In the real sense.              


Pakistan should get maximum benefits from CPEC because Pakistan has to pay back the amount in THREE decades. However, in the light of highlighted facts and compulsions of China, Pakistan is on strong wicket to convert the billions of dollars into a grant and this amount is NOT a big deal for China.

Amjad Ali ( Director Student Affairs )