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English Language: The Lingua Franca

The contemporary modern history of mankind manifests that English language is used and Known for being the commonest medium of communication across the world. Although the significance of English language cannot be encompassed in one articulation, yet for the motivation and encouragement of university students, this endeavor to orienting students about subject title is framed as underneath:

  • Today none of the countries including china and Russia, can deny the importance of English language.
  • English language is the source of bridging, linking and networking between governments and nations of the world.
  • English proficiency is one of the yardsticks through which ability of a graduate is gauged in market space.
  • If it is not exaggerated almost the people of every country can speak and understand the rudiments of English language.
  • Command over English language dramatically expands the scope of marketability and employability.
  • English is almost the official language of one hundred countries including Pakistan.
  • English is the language of science and technology.
  • English is the language of diplomates at UNO, World Bank, IMF, NATO, OIC European commission and so many other international and regional organizations.
  • English language is a master key to unlock the jewelry box.
  • English Language is simultaneously a challenge and an opportunity, which is directly proportional to each other. Where there is challenge there is opportunity and where there is opportunity there is challenge.
  • English literature is very rich and diverse so with the knowledge of English we have access to many literary and magnum opus books.
  • Seeking English language enriches one’s professional skill and prepares to compete at global space, and helps to excel everywhere in the nook & cranny of the world.
  • In the local context of Pakistan, where English is an official language and medium of education particularly in higher education systems is English, that qualifies English as the 2nd most preferred spoken language in the country.
  • Above all Pakistani graduates’/degree holders need strong writing and speaking capabilities to qualify various competitive exams that includes CSS, PCS, FPSC, ISSB, SAT, GAT, GRE, ILETS, TOEFL etc. Moreover, in order to pursue a better academic or professional career in Pakistan or abroad, English language is an essential source to harness any of these opportunities.

The synthesis of entire discourse means, English Language Skill has been the life blood for university graduates and significantly vital to develop this indispensable skill for a successful life.

        Amjad Ali

Director Student Affairs