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Need for Paradigm Shift in Teaching Approaches

Allah says in Quran:

Are those who know and the ones who don’t know equal?

Human kind is epitome of creation for his intellect and linguistic competence. In fact, in this highly advanced technology and scientific era the importance of quality education has been inevitable to cater the need of challenges of time and the way forward is to preparing our next generation who should be equipped with relevant skills to deal with emerging complex trends of the world.

Moreover, in order to follow the very notion into achievement a conceptual learning plan, need to be devised and ensure accurate execution to produce the desired results.  Subsequently the desired outcome in the shape of self actualized knowledge with multi-dimensional skills will help students to harness challenging opportunities for higher education and prepare young graduates to meet the local and global demands of job market.

Global market trends to see a radical transformation in academia so the knowledge based societies can orient with the market designs. In this regard for instance Rote Memorization teaching approaches to be replaced with conceptual learnings.

It is because a general observation reflects that in public sector educational institutions prevalent teaching approaches are based on rote memorization. Mainly the assessment criteria through question papers in examination are designed on that vary pattern of rote memorization. Under this system of examination, what is observed that only memorizing skills are tested instead of conceptual comprehension.

An empirical study of both teaching methods and their impact

1. Rote Memorization1. conceptual learning
2. Restriction on thinking process2. involved thinking process
3. Tunnel vision         3. making research minded
4. Dumped information        4. creation of knowledge
5. Mediocre and followers5. professionals and leaders
6. No Role in development and change6. champions of change

Moreover, college and university student being adults should be dealt very carefully. On one hand it is important that one should not consider a student as empty vessels and inject blood in them, and on the other hand it is significantly important to avoid a teacher centered approach where only a teacher is responsible to deliver one sided lecture. Similar irrelevant and unprepared lessons worse payoffs. In fact, even the new academic standards emphasize on students’ centered approach, which shows a great scale of independent relation between student and a teacher which complement each other during knowledge orientation on subject matter? Otherwise traditional practices of teacher centered approaches make a student careless, irresponsible and lethargic by practicing teacher centric approaches. Hence to make a student careful and responsible faculty should pay a role of facilitator NOT a dictator. Student should be guided in such a way that helps them to carry out academic research work. Nevertheless, after decades the policy makers have not been able to develop an effective teaching learning system. Therefore, the existing obsoleted andragogy desperately needs to be replaced with conceptual learning which encompasses all necessary areas for personal and professional development of a student. It means making surgery of a topic with deep sense of understanding.

  1. A year round well defined academic calendar should be prepared and student’s creative participation should be ensured. Although initiating these parameters would be challenging for both students and faculty as it requires tremendous academic engagements. The teaching learning process will light up potentiality of both students vis-s-vis faculty in the long run.
  2. One possibility is though continuous faculty development initiatives and research provisions would have enriched human capital.
  3. In order to ensure effective implementation of the aforesaid idea, bi-annual performance of the faculty must be evaluated by the student. Linking performance of the faculty with student’s satisfaction will make faculty serious and committed.
  4. Hence to carry out this challenging academic task responsibility, authority and accountability of a faculty should be ensured.
  5. Ideally a professor should decipher updated knowledge to a disciple as gushing out fresh water from the terminus of glacier, otherwise it would be lifeless, mechanical and monotonous teaching rounds. Which is neither beneficial for the students nor for a teacher’s professional career.
  6. The prime purpose of creative learning is transferring knowledge into skills in order to make a student capable enough to express in well-articulated way.


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