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Role and Responsibilities of a University Student

Before discussing the ideal role of a student in university, it is important to understand the concept of a university and its mandate.

Opportunity for Higher Education is blessings because it has a far-reaching and ever lasting impact in one’s life. You are the privileged group of students for being the part of university level education.

 The current scientific developments and technological advancements across the globe is the outcome of researches in university labs.  These tremendous contributions and achievements play a vital role to improve the quality of life of common people.

 University Education Means:

Conduct research and create knowledge  Harnessing funded research projects
Formal education and degree awarding  Deciphering updated knowledge to disciples  
Providing platform for skills development and Leadership  Developing linkages with universities & exchange programs  
Employment generation  contribute services for balanced development in society

The Interpretation of young and old

If your soul is covered with snow of cynicism and ice of pessimism, you are old in age of TWENTYand as long as your aerial is up to catch the highest waves of knowledge make sure you are young in EIGHTY.

Aga Khan 4 said

We live in a rapidly changing world, that is often unpredictable and not always positive, and there is no greater from of preparation for change then investment in education.

In the light of above guidance, the role of university students would be:

  • To burn the midnight oil because youth means energy and unshakeable will to catch the highest waves of knowledge.
  • Must participate in academic & co-curricular activities i.e. sports, debates, essay writings and declamation contests for better orientation and confidence building.
  •  Being custodians take care of their Alma mater that is passing through a challenging stage.
  • Presenting issues and challenges in a parliamentary way.
  • Play role to ensure harmony and peaceful coexistence on CAMPUS.
  • prove that human kind is a supreme creation for being wise and quality of linguistic competence.
  • As co-education university, abiding by the social norms and moral values.
  • Indeed, students should follow the University Code of Conduct as the declaration form has been signed by the STUDENT and PARANTS.  
  • Indulgence in unpleasant activity may lead a student to irrevocable expulsion from the university.  
  • Develop good presentation SKILL that will determine and manifest the quality & positive image of university.
  • Should reflect professionalism of volunteers & voluntarism of professionals.

                                        Martin Luther says                

Hatred confuses lifeLove harmonizes it
Hatred darkens lifeLove illuminates it
      Hatred paralyses lifeLove realizes it

           Amjad Ali

Director Student Affairs